
Buckingham Palace makes big announcement after Kate Middleton’s statement

Buckingham Palace has made a major announcement a day after Kate Middleton issued her latest statement following Wimbledon appearance.

The palace shared a video on its social media handles and announced “The annual Swan Upping on the River Thames concluded today.”

It further said, “The week-long flotilla of traditional Thames rowing boats (called ‘Skiffs’) record the census and health of the swan population over a 130km route.”

The annual census of the swan population on a particular stretch of the River Thames, Swan Upping has changed from a mostly ceremonial event to an important element of wildlife conservation

Swans are, of course, no longer eaten, but Swan Upping still takes place once a year on the River Thames. The Swan Uppers weigh and measure the cygnets and check them for any signs of injury, commonly caused by fishing hooks and line.

The King retains the right to claim ownership of any unmarked mute swan swimming in open waters, but this right is mainly exercised on certain stretches of the River Thames.

Earlier, Kate Middleton issued a statement and said, “I know the power of nature to support our development and wellbeing, both by bringing us joy and helping to keep us physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.

“I hope these gardens will be inspiring and transformative for the thousands of people who visit.”

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