All Glitters aren’t Gold: Kate and William’s marriage going through ‘terrible rows’ as they throw things at…

A new royal book has claimed that, while Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage appears all sunshine and rainbows from the outside, the stress of their positions often leads to ‘terrible rows’ where the couple ‘throw things at each other.
Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage is ‘not all sweetness’ according to royal author Tom Quinn’s new book, Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family.
According to the author, palace insiders speak of ‘terrible rows’ between the couple, with the seemingly ‘calm’ royals often ‘throwing things at each other.’
Prince William and Kate Middleton have long gained popularity for their relatability, with the royal couple sharing their excitement over such things as Game of Thrones spoilers and weekly horoscopes, and often admitting to mundane failings like spoiled pancakes and parenting woes. But now, according to a new royal book, behind palace doors the royals are even more similar to the average couple than we could have imagined.
The claim comes from royal author Tom Quinn’s new book titled Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family. The work features exclusive insight from palace staff and royal insiders, using their words to detail the upbringing of the British royal family and the impact their childhood years have had on them in adulthood.
Speaking about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s seemingly perfect pairing to Fox News Digital, Quinn revealed, “Someone at the palace told me about the nicknames they have for each other. But it’s not all sweetness.”
“They have terrible rows where they throw things at each other. Kate might seem to be a very calm person, and William also. But it’s not always true. Because the big stress for William and Kate is that they’re constantly surrounded by [palace aides]. It’s like a Jane Austen novel.”
In his book, Quinn also documents royal family nicknames with a passage from a former member of palace staff revealing that Kate calls William “babe,” when all is good between the pair, but when he fusses over her “endless mane of hair,” she turns to jokingly calling him “baldy.
William, according to Quinn’s reports, often calls his wife “Babykins,” “Duchess of Doolittle,” or the shortened version of “Duchess of Doolittle,” “DoD.” It has long been alleged that “Duchess of Doolittle” is a “gentle dig” made at Kate, referencing the criticism she reportedly faced from Queen Elizabeth II for not having a full-time career before marrying Prince William in 2011.
But not all the nicknames are harmless fun. One source told Quinn that when William “is cross” with his wife, he calls her “darling,” showing his “signs of annoyance” with a distinctive change in tone.
However, the arguments, as violent as they sound, appear to be short lived, with the couple making up quickly as to not ‘stir things up.’
“Kate is very much the calm one,” Quinn writes. “William is the one who’s a bit hotheaded. We see an example of that in Harry’s book… But Kate is very level-headed. She’s the one who will pour oil on troubled waters and go, ‘Let’s not stir things up.’
Of course, privately, William and Kate, like all couples, fall out, row, shout at each other and say unkind things to each other, but Kate is an appeaser by instinct and William always gives way as he had more than enough emotional turmoil, divorce and disruption as a child,” wrote Quinn, adding, “He hates confrontation.”
Their arguments may now happen behind closed doors at Adelaide Cottage, but, according to Quinn, the royal couple are not trying to hide their relationship troubles from the world. He explains that the pair do not want to appear as “the perfect couple that everyone else should try and emulate,” preferring instead ‘to be seen as an ordinary couple.’
She [Kate] said, ‘Like every other couple, we have days when we are really, really cross with each other, or days when we don’t talk to each other,’” said Quinn. “They want to be seen as an ordinary couple with the same stresses of having children, work, and everything else that life brings.”
As well as her relatability, Kate’s stoic demeanor and readiness to solve issues quickly and quietly have been another vital element to her success in the British royal family and following popularity among royal fans. Quinn reminisces, “I remember when the press was so horrible to Kate.”
“They said because her mother was a stewardess, as it used to be called in those days, no one would invite the family to any events where there was anyone of significance present.”
“The press would remark how she was descended from working-class people, which is an absolutely cruel thing to say. But Kate never responded. She didn’t complain. She didn’t write letters to the press or ring in the editors. She said nothing. And that was a good move. She illustrated how calm she was about those things and didn’t make a fuss. And then, it vanished.”