Princess Diana’s Former Confidant Admits Prince Harry Forgot His Mother’s Rule About Living a…

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are the subject of a Vanity Fair feature which took a deep dive into their lives during the five years since they’ve left the royal family
The publication spoke to dozens of people who know and work or have worked with the Sussexes. Many of them called out the duchess for being an “awful” boss and claimed they”needed therapy” after dealing with her. In addition, some of the couple’s neighbors in Montecito aren’t their fans and have labeled the non-working royals as “local villains.
Now someone who worked for the late Queen Elizabeth II and Harry’s parents says the duke has forgotten one of his mother’s most important rules since moving to the other side of the pond and that seems to have contributed to the Sussexes’ downfall.
Prince Harry ‘always lived in a bubble’
Paul Burrell began working in the royal household when he was 18 years old and served as Queen Elizabeth II‘s personal footman. In 1987, he was moved to the household of then-Prince Charles and Princess Diana. When they separated, Burrell served as Diana’s butler and became one of her closest confidants. He looked after her and her sons until the princess’s tragic death in 1997.
According to Burrell, there’s no reason not to believe what’s printed in the Vanity Fair piece titled “Inside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Big Business Ambitions, 5 Years After Their Royal Exit.” And he recalled how even as a child Harry was “difficult.”
Speaking on behalf of Prime Casino, Burrell explained: “Vanity Fair is a prestigious title so to print such a damning article about Harry and Meghan is quite a precedent. They’re confirming what everybody else suspects and they’re listening to the people who are in the know, and, and don’t speculate. I take this article as pretty factual.
I’ve never met Meghan myself, but how can so many other people be wrong? It’s not possible. I know from firsthand experience how difficult Harry can be. I know how petulant he can be and how spoiled he is because I’ve experienced that myself. He’s always lived in a bubble.”
The duke has ignored what his mother taught him about living a ‘privileged lifestyle’
Burrell added that Harry either forgot or is just totally ignoring what Princess Diana told him about the price of living such a privileged life as his decision to turn his back on royal life went against his mother’s teachings.
“Harry and Meghan have a very privileged lifestyle,” Burrell said. “Harry has always had that and Meghan has long aspired for it. But now they share that lifestyle. I always circle back to the fact that Harry’s mother taught him long ago that the price for a privileged lifestyle is public service. Harry seems to have forgotten this lesson now he lives a celebrity Hollywood lifestyle that’s totally different from his royal one.”