Queen Camilla scolds King Charles after he wanders off during royal visit: ‘We are…

Queen Camilla scolded King Charles after he wandered off during a royal visit.
King Charles and Queen Camilla visited Darjeeling Express, an Indian restaurant in Kingly Court, Soho, on Wednesday ahead of Ramadan.
The royal couple, aged 76 and 77 respectively, met with a group of Muslim women during their engagement in Central London.
Among those present were professional rugby player Zainab Alema and author Hajera Memon.
Ramadan is set to begin on Friday evening and will continue until March 30.
Camilla was helping staff pack boxes of biryani for Doorstep charity when she noticed Charles had disappeared to greet other guests.
“I think my husband is supposed to be doing this,” she said, laughing. “Gentleman, we are waiting!”
When the King didn’t respond, the Queen took matters into her own hands.
With a takeaway box in hand, she waved at him and coughed loudly to get his attention.
Charles eventually spotted his wife calling and happily joined her in the kitchen.
His Majesty was delighted when told some curry was being sent to the Palace for him.
“Fantastic, look at that!” he exclaimed as he joined in ladling the food.
The royal couple also packed dates in small bags to be distributed to hospitals during Ramadan.
When told he was quick at the task and could have a job doing it each year, the King joked: “I may be past my sell-by date!”
The packed biryani boxes were destined for Doorstep, a charity helping families awaiting permanent housing solutions.
Following his food packing duties, the King moved next door to Imad’s Syrian Kitchen for tea and talks with British Syrians.
There, His Majesty voiced support for emerging democracies during discussions about Syria.
Restaurant founder Imad Eddin al Arnab later revealed: “He said that now more than ever he wanted to support all the democracies, especially the rising [ones].
“He cares about all the democracies, but he wants people to be taken care of everywhere, not only in the UK.”
“I’ve always wanted to go, all my life,” the King said of Syria. “I can’t bear the destruction.