She might be the next queen of England but at the same time it seems like she just can’t catch a break no matter what she does or what she says.
Of course, we are talking about Kate Middleton as it seems like new rumors have surfaced about her once again. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.
New Rumors About Kate Middleton Have Surfaced Again
According to a new report, the Princess of Wales is supposedly taking charge of her life and is refusing to do more work than she has to. That’s because she wants to take it easy following her cancer diagnosis and her chemotherapy treatments.
But some people think that this might be Kate Middlton’s way of just trying to get out of her workload. After all, she and both her husband Prince William were named two of the most work-shy people in the royal family.
And doing less work than more is not going to bode well and especially for someone who is supposed to be the next queen of England.
Of course, the internet certainly does have a lot to say about the matter. Some have even ocmmented with, “What intensity did this woman have before she was diagnosed with cancer? And now, why doesn’t she make cancer victims one of her platforms if she was so devastated by it? She’s just so lazy and disgusting. Just wants to do a few events a year and that’s it. And keep using her cancer as sympathy from everyone.”
What’s Next For The Princess Of Wales?
Another critic wrote, “Given the habit of visiting one or two places in a town and counting each as an appearance, that likely means she worked only 64 days of the year or less. That is far less than half of the working year.”
And then there was this comment as well: “You’re not counting the hours of pampering, makeup and hairdo shaping before the event. All the time shopping for something to wear. I’d add in time for briefing about the charity or the event, but I’m sure she skips those.